Blueprint | 03 Hosting Remote Meetings

Blueprint | Tips on how to host remote meetings | 3 Pages

B L U E P R I N T HOSTING REMOTE MEETINGS In this session, you will learn: 1. How to be as professional in an online setting as you are in person. This starts with how you prepare for the meeting, but just as important some things you do in the beginning, middle, and end during the meeting. 2. Engagement - There are techniques that work especially well for online meetings with groups of people. 3. How to keep the call on track by sticking to the agenda. HOW TO STRUCTURE A PERFECT REMOTE MEETING Running a great online meeting is all about controlling the meeting. In the last session, we talked about the prep that goes into a video call, now we’ll talk about what happens from when the first person joins all the way until the end. The first couple of minutes can be awkward when waiting for everyone to join and making small talk. No matter what you’re talking about, do it with positive energy that makes people comfortable and sets the tone for the call. Do not suggest sitting in silence until everyone joins giving people the opportunity to disengage. Timeline of the conversation Introduction The first couple of minutes can be awkward when waiting for everyone to join and making small talk. No matter what you’re talking about, do it with positive energy that makes people comfortable and sets the tone for the call. Do not suggest sitting in silence until everyone joins giving people the opportunity to disengage. ACE Once everyone joins, the next A ppreciate - “I appreciate you taking the step is to ACE the meeting. This time to join this call” is the transition from small talk C onfirm end time - “We’re scheduled for 30 to the meeting. minutes. Does that time still work for you?” E nd goal - “At the end of today's call, if we can address your needs, we typically move forward with a proposal. Does that sound fair?” Agenda Review the agenda of the call to Our agenda today is: 1. First, I’d like to hear about some of make sure everyone is getting the things you’re working on and your the impact they expect from the executive priorities call. The agenda should be 2. Then, I’ll share how we work with about 3 bullet points. similar clients like you 3. Then, we’ll set up next steps What else would you like to cover today? (If they answer this question, you now know what their number one priority is)

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