Blueprint | 06 Remote Stakeholders Meetings

Blueprint | Remote stakeholder meetings | 3 Pages

B L U E P R I N T REMOTE STAKEHOLDER MEETINGS Learn the process of getting to the stakeholder meeting, make sure the stakeholders want to be there, and then keep them engaged all the way through to agree to next steps. Stakeholder Meeting STAKEHOLDER MEETING Consider who will be attending the meeting. You will learn about this from your champion. Have your champion introduce you as the expert to help figure out if they’re going to move forward with evaluating your initiative. Set this up by having a call before the call with your champion. By your champion starting the call saying “The reason I brought you here today…” and then introducing you, it changes the framing of the call from a sales call to an expert wanting to help with a business problem. You’re not the only expert in the room. Each person in the room is there for a reason and has their own expertise. Your role is to combine all of their expertise and priorities and build consensus. Co-creating something together - Use a shared document like Google Docs so you can build ideas and a plan together. Start with their current situation and pain and transition to discussing their future state and how altogether you can work to solve their pain. HOW TO ENGAGE EVERYONE IN A STAKEHOLDER MEETING When running a stakeholder meeting the most important thing is to get everyone involved. Call before the call with your champion Will help you understand who will be on the call and what they want to get out of it. Intros can waste time in a remote meeting, and oftentimes the people you want to hear from the most end up saying the least. Instead, lead with what you know (from the research you did using CrystalKnows)

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