B L U E P R I N T HOW TO DEMO REMOTELY Set the Review what was discussed on the previous call, and then point out the 3 business Context & challenges they are trying to solve. Summarize “Because you’re looking to solve XYZ, this is what we’re going to talk about today” When you start sharing your screen for the demo the first thing you need to do is orient them to what they’re looking at. You are very familiar with your product, but this is probably their first look at it so you need to help them understand. Introduce the first feature. Then, to keep engagement high, ask questions before moving onto the next feature. ● “Was that relevant?” ● “What impact would that have on your business?” ● Make it emotional - “Do you see yourself or your team actually using this? Connect the At the end of the call, Wagons make sure the end goal you went over at the beginning of the call was achieved. If they say no, then you have about 5 minutes to handle it. If they say yes, you can move on with the next steps. Ask “We agreed that the end goal of this meeting was to accomplish understanding what your requirements are and seeing if it’s a good fit to move forward. Did we achieve that today? HOW TO USE SLIDES IN AN ONLINE DEMO The reason we do a demo is to help the customer see how their problem and the solution you’re recommending align with what’s already existing in their infrastructure. A slide deck is great for navigating through a remote meeting, but you have to do it right. The first slide which we’ve talked about should be the executive summary - Explain the situation they have, the pain they’re looking to solve, and the impact they’re looking for. You can also give an estimated cost. It’s common for salespeople to try and sell by showing the success of their own company, but really what your customer cares about is how you can help them. Don’t fill up a slide with logos of customers you’ve worked with. Instead, build a rapport and let them come to the conclusion that you’re the right fit for them. Don’t overload a slide with text. Make sure each slide is limited to a couple of main points, or let them know you’ll send the file over after so they can take their time to read more in-depth The demo should be a conversation. Use it as a way to continue building out your diagnosis and don’t just make it about pitching what you want to show them.

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